Success Story:


PeerBerry is the alternative investment marketplace that was launched on the 1st of November 2017 in Latvia. The platform allows investors to earn up to 13,7% return by investing in consumer loans mainly originated by its partner Aventus Group.

What Our Client Says

Circlewise is one of our main channels. This platform helps us to acquire our target audience. During two years of activity, PeerBerry built a portfolio of more than 13,000 investors. Our partnership with Circlewise is based on gathering feedback, sharing our knowledge and experience. We’re receiving lots of valuable advice on how to improve our traffic. Circlewise system to analyze the performance and data is very informative and easy to use. It is a really strong platform that ensures our service is advertised to the right audience.
Arunas Lekavicius
Chief Executive Officer

Proof Is in the Data

Check out how we helped successfully launch Peerberry’s private affiliate program an continue to grow their base of publishers every day.

180 %
Growth in active traffic sources
73 %
Growth in number of transactions
80 %
Growth in investment amount

Circlewise’s Impact

Download the PDF to read the full story about deep cooperation between PeerBerry and Circlewise

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