Success Story:


Bulkestate OÜ ( is a real estate crowdfunding platform with a focus on funding new development or re-development projects as well as structuring group-buying deals to acquire real estate at wholesale prices. It is a unique concept that was just recently introduced to the market by Bulkestate.

What Our Client Says

Bulkestate aspires to become better every day. Thus, we value partners that help us in reaching this goal. Circlewise has surely become one of our key partners, as we have collaborated since the very early days of our platform. Thanks to their services we have gained numerous wonderful customers. We also appreciate partners that share visions similar to ours, that is, to grow and become better.
Igors Puntuss
Chief Executive Officer

Proof Is in the Data

Check out how Bulkestate were able to increase their online sales

78 %
Increase in leads comparing 2018 and 2019
Investment Opportunities co-financed

Circlewise’s Impact

Download the PDF to read the full story about deep cooperation between Bulkestate and Circlewise

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