Success Story:


DUKA is a brand of Scandinavian style interior design products and kitchen utensils. Thanks to DUKA products, your kitchen and dining room will become a unique place and the most important room in the house.

What Our Client Says

We succeeded in such challenging times and the credit goes to Circlewise. We got a complete package of tools to build an efficient partner program together with the support of the Circlewise team in our everyday work.
Aleksandra Burdon
Senior Performance Marketing Specialist

Proof Is in the Data

Check out how DUKA were able to increase their online sales when offline sales were impossible

300 %
Increase in income from the affiliate channel
50 %
Lower costs of the partner program compared with external affiliate network
400 %
Growth in the number of active publisher

Circlewise’s Impact

Download the PDF to read the full story about deep cooperation between DUKA and Circlewise

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