Success Story:


Milrab is one of the biggest tactical, outdoor and sports gear suppliers in Norway. Working with Circlewise allowed them to create and manage an effective private referral program without scaling their in-house marketing assets. This led to an 2000% sales increase in november 2020.

What Our Client Says

With Circlewise we have obtained a reliable partner to run our Affiliate Marketing campaigns which allows us to focus on other important things. We are pleased with the performance and are looking to broaden our presence in other regions.
Marius Anthonisen
Marketing Manager

Proof Is in the Data

Check out how Milrab were able to increase their online sales

2000 %
Sales increase in November
1800 %
Sales transactions generated
250 K
EUR in revenue created

Circlewise’s Impact

Download the PDF to read the full story about deep cooperation between Milrab and Circlewise

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